The Best and Worst of 2014

How’s your year been? A few ups, a few downs, a pinch of highs, a dash of lows. Well, the same can be said for movies, TV shows and games. And with that in mind, we’re going to check out some of the best and worst in the AV world from this year. Ready? Ok, let’s start with…

The Best Movie

Guardians of the Galaxy

Superheroes in space? Oh yes! Sure, most people had never even heard of Marvel Comics before Guardians of the Galaxy hit the big-screen, but that didn’t stop it becoming the best popcorn movie of the year, with a perfect cast and a cracking soundtrack.

The Worst Movie

A Million Ways to Die in the West

Hey, remember when Seth MacFarlane was funny? Those days are long gone, if the ego-trip that is A Million Ways to Die in the West is anything to go by. With a massive roster of stars, MacFarlane woefully miscasts himself as the protagonist. What’s the opposite of flawless? This film. What’s the opposite of comedy? Same answer.

The Best TV

True Detective

True Detective won some major acclaim from the critics – and with good reason. Breathing new life into the tired old detective format, the show covers 17 years on the hunt for a homicidal maniac. Featuring a stellar line-up, including Hollywood stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson and a gripping plot. Roll on the second series!

The Worst TV

The Jump

Hey, wouldn’t it be great if we got a list of barely memorable celebrities and pitted them against each other in some kind of physical activity? No. No it wouldn’t, as The Jump proved. Scraping the bottom of the ground the barrel sat on, The Jump showed us highlights like ‘that guy out of that boyband that wasn’t Take That’ doing a ski jump. And that’s about it.

The Best Game

Alien: Isolation

You know how most games based on films are pretty bad? Alien: Isolation bucks that trend, offering us a realistic depiction of the world of Ridley Scott’s seminal Alien. The story follows Ellen Ripley’s daughter in a tense survival horror that’s all about stealth, not shooting and having a heart-attack the moment you hear that 8-foot alien hunting you down.

The Worst Game

Assassin’s Creed Unity

You’ve got to feel pity for the Assassin’s Creed series. It’s an exhausted, uninspired, dead-man-walking sort of game – there haven’t been any fresh ideas since the first one, except for the occasional change in scenery. Which is fine, but little more than a re-skin and a re-tread. And Unity is the worst of the bunch, offering nothing that wasn’t in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag except for some seriously game-breaking glitches.

Here at Cheap TVs we love movies, TV and games – and we’re looking forward to the New Year and all that it’ll offer. If you’re in need of a new set to watch or game on, we’ve got a fantastic range of cheap TVs ready for you. For more info on our stock, please browse our site or contact us on 0121 327 3273 and our experienced, professional staff will be happy to help.

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