The Best Of: Netflix Original Series

Netflix has become extremely popular over the last few years, especially when it comes to watching TV. As well as including some of the best of TV from the last decades, Netflix have also started to produce and air their own original series.

More people than ever are ‘binge watching’ TV shows – which simply means that they are watching episodes one after the other, without a frustrating wait. The popularity of binge watching is what Netflix have ceased upon with their original programmes, in which a whole series is released all at once – meaning people can watch every episode without having to wait a week!

Do you have a favourite Netflix show? We have put together a guide to some of our personal favourites, the ones that we think you should be watching!

House of Cards

House of Cards is the first original series that Netflix released, with the first season airing back in February 2013.

The American political drama casts Kevin Spacey as Congressman Frank Underwood, a man who desperately wants to become the President of the United States. Along with his equally as manipulative wife Claire, Frank wants to work his way into the most powerful position in the country and he doesn’t care who he hurts or betrays to get there – including close friends. He is ruthless, calculating and clever – and he seeks revenge on all those that he thinks have harmed or insulted him.

One of the best things about the show is the way it breaks the fourth wall – a term that is used when a character breaks the ‘wall’ between viewers and the action on screen. Throughout the series, Frank addresses the audience, often letting them in on his thoughts, feelings and plans!

The show has had 3 seasons released so far – and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. It’s a big hit with people around the world and it’s well worth a watch! For those who don’t think political dramas are their thing, you may be surprised!

Orange is the New Black

Orange is the new Black is a comedy drama that was first released onto Netflix in July 2013.

The main character in the show is Piper Chapman – a thirty odd year old woman who is committed of a crime that she carried out decades earlier and sentenced to 15 months in a woman’s federal prison.

Since committing the crime ten years earlier, Piper had since moved on, living a comfy lifestyle as part of an upper, middle class family and engaged to a long term boyfriend. Her arrest and imprisonment, definitely puts a strain on all her relationships, especially the one with her fiancé, when it turns out that her ex girlfriend is also in the same prison.

The show has a large cast, and allows viewers to connect with them all through flashbacks that show significant parts of their lives, including what landed them all in prison.

Although it has a large female cast, it’s still an enjoyable show for both men and women. We recommend not watching this one with children though!


Sense8 is Netflix newest show, with the first season being released for streaming on June 5th 2015 and consists of 12 episodes.

The show is about 8 strangers, who suddenly become mentally and emotionally connected to each other, after a series of dreams and visions that are all centred around a tragic death. These 8 strangers are all from different parts of the world, and all have different beliefs and cultures.

Each episode focuses on one of the characters, showing us their background and what it is that sets them apart from other people in the world, and what it is that connects them to the other chosen ones. They must all protect each other from someone who is determined to hunt them down, wanting to gain access to everything they know.

We love a good sci-fi show and this one looks to be a good one! Well worth checking it out next time you are looking for something to watch on Netflix.

We hope that this has given you some inspiration on what to watch next when you’re looking to binge watch a show! If you’re excited to get started, but you need a new TV for your home, then we can help you out.

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