The Movie Reboot: Classic Movies for the Next Generation


Supplying the best quality cheap 3D TVs, we’ve found that we’re a little film crazy. From classical movie masterpieces to modern day movie remakes, we’ve realised that it’s becoming harder and harder to find an original movie outside of Disney Pixar. With written word leaping onto the big screen in a number of different success stories and epic flops, we’ve decided to take a look at our most loved movie classics under the hammer of the movie reboot.



First to hit the movie reboot is the Marvel Comic masterpiece, X-Men. Brought to life in 2000 we have to admit that we were more than a little excited seeing our favourite comic strip for the very first time on the big screen. So there were parts of the movie where the X-Men plane looked a little like a model bouncing off of water, so the ending was slightly anticlimactic and the characters were detailed and more than a little difficult to follow at times; the excitement and originality of the movie sent chills down our spines. It must have impressed the public because the makers -unfortunately- went on to make a further five (and that doesn’t include Wolverine’s spin off story). Safe to say that the movies’ quality dramatically decreased into one huge mess, so what do the producers decide? Reboot. X-Men: Days of Futures Past though slightly disappointing to X-Men fans, basically rewrote the entire X-Men plot via time travel; a perfect platform to make clearer, better quality films for future generations.





The latest to hit the time travel reboot is the infamous Terminator. Let’s face it, who hasn’t heard of Arnie’s impending line “I’ll be back”? Not wanting to spoil it for any Terminator enthusiast but let’s just say it’s unlikely we’ll be seeing the last of Skynet and their evil plan to exterminate all human life forms… at least not until the next generation.




Jurassic Park

Sparking the imagination of thousands since 1993, Jurassic Park has influenced many life changing ideas on what would happen if the past was brought back to life. Stunning in its digital mastery at the time, the life like dinosaurs and gory deaths left audience members craving more and boy, did the makers deliver. With the Jurassic Park sequels trailing in the first movie’s wake, it seems the makers aren’t wanting to let this movie fade into the past anytime soon. The most recent Jurassic World is a mixture between reboot and remake. A sequel to its predecessors, the makers have said that it will closely follow the original storyline.



So what’s next?

We’ve seen the high definition awesomeness of Robo Cop. Have been wowed by the remake of The Amazing Spiderman and have lived through the numerous remakes of The Incredible Hulk. The next instalment to hit our movie screens however consists of the Fantastic Four, another possible remaking of the Hulk and the greatly anticipated Star Wars!

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