TV Shows That Survived After Killing Off Major Characters (Part 2)

TV show producers have to be pretty brave to kill off one of their major characters, as it’s very likely to cause a backlash with angry and passionate fans. Despite this, many still take the leap.

We applaud their creative decision to kill off major characters, even if it really does annoy us at the time. We recently started a series that looked at the shows that survived after killing off big characters – even when everyone was saying they would tank. We know you’ve been waiting patiently for part two, so here you go!

Dexter – Rita Morgan

Even though the show is all about murder, we were still pretty shocked when Dexter’s wife was brutally murdered at the end of the fourth season by a serial killer that he is tracking. Dexter arrives home to find his wife dead in the bath tub and his young son sitting in the blood (an eerie throwback to his own childhood). We were shocked but a lot of fans were happy with the decision, declaring that the character was annoying. They must have been partly right, because the show went on for another 4 seasons.

Teen Wolf – Allison Argent

Fans of the teen show Teen Wolf were all up in arms last year after fan favourite Allison Argent was shockingly killed off the show. Despite the fact that creator Jeff Davis warned fans that a big death was coming, no one predicted that it would be Allison. Sacrificing herself to save Lydia, she is stabbed in the stomach and dies in Scott’s arms. Sob. Fans rioted, but the show went on without her the next season and has recently been renewed for another. Guess it didn’t harm the ratings as bad as people hoped?

24 – Teri Bauer

We had a hard time narrowing this one down, as 24 has killed off pretty much every character we loved on that show – and still survived! However, we thought it was fitting to start with the first major death, which occurred at the end of the first season. We were all shocked when Jack found his wife murdered in his work place and we wondered how the show would go on without a major character. How wrong we were! The show went on to have 8 seasons, a TV film and then was brought back last year for a extra special short series, 4 years after it had finished. Wow!

Charmed – Prue Halliwell

When Prue was killed off at the end of the third season, we all found it difficult to imagine the show going on without one of the power of three. We mourned her death for a whole summer hiatus, until season four rolled around and there was a new charmed sister! Rose McGowan soon won the hearts of fans as troubled half sister Paige Matthews and fans were soon left thinking; Prue who? The show went on for another 5 brilliant seasons and dare we say, they were even better than the first three!

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